Sketch Notes – Ways To Draw

Kumar Ahir
2 min readNov 26, 2018

Sketchnoting is one of the amazing ways of recording a session manually and then using it as a reference later. Mostly used for personal reference it’s one the widely used form of manual info graphic. As it’s said a picture is worth thousand words, if it’s drawn by own than it’s worth a lac !

Our brains perceive and remember images effectively. Not everybody is visual though all appreciate it. And when thing are captured in raw sketchy format they become human and have a strong emotional connect. By the very nature of sketches they are not expected to be perfect and open to inferences.

Being from Interaction Design background this skill was inherent in me. However, I lost touch with it since I became entrepreneur as this all was stored in my head! Lately I have started sketchnoting again and I find it very powerful tool to keep yourself engaged in the session amidst distractions of phone and audience chatter.

To Sketch note effectively during live sessions it is important to know the rules of the game. Engineers and even Designers fund it hard as they think of this as mere sketching skill. It’s more than that.

So this series is to help people be effective listeners by using Sketch noting techniques. What may follow is posts on how to draw some important terms, jargon, words used in technical meeting, seminar, conference (an restricting this to Tech domain only right now) by using simple icons, shapes and line drawings. It will also have some principles that I have gathered from various Sketchnoting artists.

Happy Sketchnoting!



Kumar Ahir

successful exit in first startup, AR VR enthusiast, ex CISCO, SYMANTEC, interaction designer, entrepreneur. More at