Highlight of the day
The last article I wrote in medium was in 2023 February. Same month.
As I plan to reinstate my journey of writing well I come back to this Medium.
I am taking a Masterclass on Storytelling by Matthew Dicks. Search for “Homework for Life” in YouTube to understand and learn to build stories from little moments of life. (I have refrained from giving links to external sources as it takes away my energy.) Mathew talk about writing about one single moment that was highlight of the day, before bed.
And then the other day I was listening to Lenny’s podcast (one of the most sought after) on How to Make time. That’s a book by authors of Sprint – Jake Knapp.
So in his book one of the first rule Jake talks about is Highlight. At the beginning of the day think of what you want to be highlight of that day. It will set your mind into thinking all about achieving that highlight.
When I put both of the Highlights – one in morning that I desire and plan and other at night to remember I feel if done consistently can bring amazing changes in the way we distribute our time through out the day and month and year.