Kumar Ahir is a designer and tech tinkerer. You will always find him envisioning and creating something new and exciting. He works at the junction of Design, Technology, and Business.

In his current role as Product Design Leader at Cisco he's shaping the next gen experience for Cisco customers.

He's an avid Sketchnoter who captures conversations in simple handrawn sketches.

He's been evangelizing the new Immersive Technologies and Design by actively doing workshops on Design Thinking, Design for AR and VR, Prototyping for Mixed Reality technologies. He aims to create a better Design Ecosystem for Immersive Technologies.

He co-founded OoBI(Out of Box Interactions), a new media company. OoBI pioneered the solutions for the immersive customer experience in the Real Estate industry. Later OoBI got acquired by NewsCorp, Accel, SAIF backed company PropTiger.

He’s worked with Symantec, Microsoft, TCS.

Editor of HelloMeets
Connect with Kumar Ahir
Kumar Ahir

Kumar Ahir

successful exit in first startup oobi.in, AR VR enthusiast, ex CISCO, SYMANTEC, interaction designer, entrepreneur. More at www.kumarahir.com